Friday, January 18, 2008

Truth from a Heretic

What is right? What is wrong?

The answers to these two questions set the motion and direction for a large portion of the life that I live. I also feel that I am not alone in saying that there are many other humans out there who would agree with the idea that there is such a thing as inerrant right, and an inerrant wrong, that make up inerrant truth. The key word in the previous sentance is "humans." When we mate our humanity with what we believe is the inerrant truth, what is conceived is relative truth. When the inerrant truth enters our mind and is maintenanced by the tools and trinkets of our heart - our perspective, ideas, culture, and filters that are built by our experience - we create what turns out to be relative truth.

In the small amount of time that these thoughts have been rolling around in my brain I have come to realize the difficulty that this can create in relationships if it is allowed to. There is a mighty collision that can occur when two people with different perceptions of inerrant truth come together. Note that the inerrant truth that exists in the universe is what it is. Yet two people meet with their own humanistic manipulations of that exact truth based on their own unique experiences. This precise coordinate is where relational friction is created (I am not speaking to all relational difficulty, only that which relates to this specific context).

My hope and point in all of this is that the realization of what is created (when my humanity, smitten by the fall, comes in contact with inerrant truth) would be something to be used to the benifit of the relationships that I now have. Realizing the possibility of this idea being fact positions me to give grace abundantly. It positions me to realize that we all speak out of our own experiences that have created a filter in our minds that everything we read, see, and hear travels through. It reminds me that the perspectives that different individuals have or create based on the truth are valid because of their experience and how it relates to truth. It reminds me that we are on a journey together to find the truth that is buried in the depths of our hearts, and not rest until it is taken out of the grave we placed it in.

So by this idea I am encouraged. I want to give the same grace to others that God gives to me when I take the truth that he has spoken and turn it into heresy. May you as well give grace abundantly as the Lord has first given a never-ceasing grace to you, as you stumble and make your way through the journey and adventure to discover truth. And if the life of Christ dwells in the deepest parts of your soul, giving it life, may you move in the power that he so immensly supplies.

We journey together.

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